Every single person in Livingston Parish is interested in having their property assessed fairly and impartially.
That is my office’s most important goal and one which my entire staff takes very seriously. It’s my desire to properly interpret laws to assess all property in Livingston Parish fairly, 公平, 和负责任的. 作为你的评估员, I maintain an open door policy so that each and every citizen feels that they are able to seek help from me or my staff
The Assessor is required by Louisiana law to list, value and enumerate all property subject to ad valorem taxation on an Assessment Roll each year.
The ‘ad valorem’ basis for taxation means that all property should be taxed ‘according to value’, 这就是从价的定义. The assessed value is a percentage of the ‘fair market value’ or ‘use value’ as prescribed by law.
Local media and industry recognizes Jeff Taylor and his staff for:
Implementing the Parish’s first property ownership map.
Purging the tax rolls to set district budgets accurately.
Introducing a computerized data system for record keeping and assessments.
Coordinating and establishing a system to share records with the Clerk of Court and Permit office.
Adding hundreds of unlisted assessments to parish tax roll.
Advocating for public disclosure of property assessments and accessibility on the Internet.
与当地人合作, 状态, and national agencies to provide the best services to property owners of Livingston Parish.
Jeffrey Grantham Taylor is a lifelong resident of Livingston Parish.
从道尔高中毕业后, he continued his education at Southeastern Louisiana University. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in marketing and management. Jeff Taylor has completed the educational requirements for International Certified Assessor.
Taylor has served as 利文斯顿教区评税员 for more than 22 years, since August 31, 2000. 在他任职期间, he has served parish voters with honesty and integrity and worked to fairly assess property values across the parish. His efforts have been lauded by local media and industry professionals.
Taylor helped to implement the parish’s first property ownership map and purged the tax rolls to give districts more accurate information in setting their budgets. 他试用了一种新的计算机数据系统, which better records and more accurately manages assessment information. He has also established systems to better share records with the parish’s Clerk of Court and Permit offices.
Taylor has added previously unlisted assessments to the parish’s tax rolls, as well as managed the parish’s unrelenting growth.
More accurate tax rolls have improved funding for local schools, 执法, 以及防火, 以及其他各种基础设施需求. Taylor has been a leading advocate for public disclosure, calling for property assessments to be listed on the Internet. He has worked closely with the Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office to provide a full listing of the parish’s tax rolls.
通过在互联网上发布信息, the citizens of Livingston Parish can examine assessments across the parish and help to discover inequities and omissions from our tax rolls. This transparency has enabled Livingston Parish to move forward and set a positive example for others across the 状态 to follow.
Taylor serves on the Board of Directors for the Louisiana Assessor’s Association and is a member of the association’s Legislative Committee. He has worked with 状态 legislators to implement a “freeze” form for residents 65 years of age and older, thereby allowing them to freeze their homestead property assessments at current values, protecting them from rapidly increasing property values that might jeopardize their ability to afford their home. 最近, the association’s Legislative Committee successfully lobbied to allow this exemption to be made available to disabled military personnel, 太.
Taylor has completed the rigorous educational requirements to be an international certified assessor and has required that his field deputies pass similar certification classes. He was also tapped to become an instructor for the International Association of Assessing Officers.
He is the founding sponsor of the parish’s public school supply program, 评估需求, which is currently in its 22nd consecutive year. 自成立以来, 该项目已经募集了近1美元,000,000 in donated cash and supplies for local needy children. This year’s campaign anticipates helping more than 3,000 children parish-wide.
杰夫和他妻子, 迪莉娅·亚当斯·泰勒, have been married for thirty-seven years and still reside in Denham Springs. They have two children: Caroline and Zachary and a daughter in law, Brandi.
他是已故牧师的儿子. Delmas and Sharon Taylor of Colyell, LA, and the son-in-law of Lois Morgan Adams and the late W.T. 洛杉矶利文斯顿的亚当斯.
Taylor holds a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing and management from Southeastern Louisiana University, 他毕业于道尔高中. He is a member of Livingston Parish’s Chamber of Commerce and Kiwanis clubs, 并在学校系统中担任志愿者.